Naturally, pets live a short life compared to us humans and that means that we get to adopt our pets when they are just puppies and watch them grow and mature. As pet owners we take part in their whole life circle and that means saying goodbye when the time comes.
Animal Airways Ltd. launches a new service speacally geared for pet owners taht have rached the time to say goodbye - Transporting pet remains for appropriate burial.
Our pet flight experts are here to offer their professional service 24/7 as usual.
Our pet flight support includes advice and guidance on documents and regulations, security, packing, shipping and ground transportation all the ways to the cemetery / graveyard at the client's hometown.
Our professional knowhow and experience in the field of pet relocation worldwide allows us to offer unique and advanced solutions to shipping remains legally, safely and conveniently to and from every international airport worldwide.
We are pet lovers, first and foremost, voicing animal rights at a global level and our main objective is to assist people and pets travel and live together. We are here for you, from the moment you decide to adopt a pet until it's time to say Farwell.