Flight Management

Pet travel and relocation experts assist you with travel plans, flight kennel, airlines, regulations for flying dog cat or other pets

Flight Management

Taking care of the details is what we're good at. For you, this means enjoying a simple, relaxed travel experience with your pet. We help you choose an airline and build a simple, comfortable route for you and your pet - taking into account your budget - then we coordinate all the services involved.

What is the best way to fly?

Our flight managers guide you step-by-step in order to choose the best flight plan, taking into account everything from country, airline and airport regulations, weather conditions, pet safety and comfort - and your budget.

What papers do I need?

Every involved party has its own regulations and red tape. Health certificates, government approvals and vaccination certificates are just some of the things you may need. Our flight management team can provide or handle these.

What do I do about the kennel?

We assist you in choosing the right "home" for your pet's journey.  Our flight managers explain how to properly prepare your kennel and how to get your pet used to it so that he (or she) is relaxed and safe during flight.

Is it safe?

An experienced veterinarian assigned to your case advises you on your pet's health and safety during and after flight. 

The vet monitors the entire process to ensure your pet's safety, and provides information on relevant vaccinations, do's and dont's and health documentation.

Your benefits

Peace of mind
Knowledge that your pet will arrive safely.

Real-time support 
At the airport, at home, anytime - get expert advice.

Professional veterinary advice
Advice and supervision for the entire process, including getting your pet settled in at your new home.Save money 
Order the correct equipment, tickets, and do it right the first time.

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