Pet travel by air
- Pets under the age of 4 months are not allowed to fly internationally
- Not all kennels are considered as "flight kennels"
- Not all flight kennels are airline approved kennels
- Every country has mandatory vaccinations
- There are countries that are considered as rabies-infested
- Not all airlines fly pets
- There are certain dogs that are considered as dangerous breeds
- Flying a pet to Australia is a 6-month process
- Not all vets are aware of the various regulations and international health risks
- Small cats or dogs may be allowed to fly in the passenger cabin
- Tranquilizing your pet prior to flight is dangerous
- It is important to measure your pet before buying a flight kennel
- All exotic pets require special documentation and permits
- If you get your pet used to his kennel ahead of time, he will be calmer during flight
- Some airlines only fly pets as cargo
- Some countries and airlines forbid pet transport by air during certain seasons of the year
- If there is a long layover between connecting flights you may be able to walk your dog
pet travel by air